What I Know Now

What I Know Now

What I Know Now An Intern’s Perception of World Hope New Beginnings   Starting a new internship can be intimidating and nerve wracking, but equally exciting. Before working with World Hope, my knowledge regarding the organization was surface level. I had seen them at...
Meet Nina Halbertsma!

Meet Nina Halbertsma!

Meet Nina Halbertsma! Meet Nina Halbertsma, who is interning in Cambodia at World Hope International’s social venture, TapEffect. Majoring in Political Science at the University of Amsterdam, Nina will be attending Boston University as an exchange student in the...
Spring 2021 Intern: Anja Lendi

Spring 2021 Intern: Anja Lendi

Spring 2021 Intern: Anja Lendi Meet intern Anja Lendi! Anja is interning in the Communications and Marketing Department of the World Hope Global Alliance, based out of World Hope International –  Australia.  Completing her Bachelor’s degree and navigating...
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