Crisis in Haiti: Provide Food Relief for Displaced Haitians

Ongoing gang violence has plunged Haiti into a hunger crisis. Your gift today will help feed children and their families fleeing the violence. Join us in helping to provide food relief now.

Gang Violence Throws Haiti Into Food Crisis

As violent gangs overrun Port-au-Prince, children and families in Haiti are fleeing for safety. More than 90,200 residents are displaced within the capital city, 80% of which is controlled by gangs, according to reports by the Associated Press. Nationwide, the estimated number of displaced Haitians is 360,000.

Even for people who have money and transportation, escaping Port-au-Prince is dangerous. Those who can, are crossing the bay for La Gonâve island, where World Hope International partners with the island’s only hospital. Others are seeking refuge in coastal Léogâne, 29 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince. As more people are fleeing to safer communities food supplies are dwindling at increasing rates.

You can keep hungry children and families fed with your gift right now. Every gift you send means our partners on the ground on La Gonâve and in Léogâne can get food to more Haitian families so they can experience relief and hope because you answered their cries for help.

The people of Haiti need you now. Only with you can we help to feed thousands of displaced children and families.

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You Can Help Heal Haitians Hunger Today

Our strong network of Wesleyan and faith-based partners on the ground are ready to distribute food and hygiene kits. We need compassionate supporters like you to fund lifesaving food and hygiene kits. Hungry children and families are praying you’ll help them. Will you send your gift right now?

Current Haiti Estimates

Haiti has faced an unrelenting series of natural and political crises since the late 1950’s.

In July 2021, foreign mercenaries assassinated the island country’s president. Nearly two years later, gang violence erupted at unprecedented levels when the government still had not held elections. From Feb. 29 to March 3, 2024, gangs armed with more powerful weapons than the police broke into prisons and released some 4,000 prisoners. As a result, the UN estimates:

  • 90,200 people are displaced in the Port-au-Prince metro area.
  • 360,000 people are displaced nationwide.
  • 5 million people are “acutely food insecure.”
  • 1 million+ people are in IPC Phase 4. At this emergency level of hunger, children and families experience high or above-usual acute malnutrition. Some families can meet minimum food needs if they give up other life essentials.
  • 2,500+ people have died from gang violence since January.
  • 13,000 Haitian migrants were sent home by neighbouring countries in March.
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