Get Involved

Want to connect with people who are also passionate about bringing opportunity, dignity, and hope around the world? Here’s how.

Together, we can bring hope.

Take a Trip with Us

Deepen your understanding of God’s heart for poor and oppressed communities around the world while offering yourself as a servant and encouragement to those you meet. Join us for a transformative experience.

Partnership with WHI

Organizations, churches, and schools can partner with us in the countries where we work to holistically address community-identified needs and support community-led solutions

Request a Speaker

We’re ready to share in person how your school, church, or club can make a difference. Reach out and we can set up a meeting with your church leaders or missions committee. Based upon your interest area, we can coordinate an appropriate speaker to visit.

Work With Us

We’re always looking for volunteers, interns and employees to join our dynamic team. We hire from a variety of disciplines—global development, finance, grant writing, information systems, fundraising, human resources, and more.

Host a Child Sponsorship Event

Host a Child Sponsorship Day at your school, church, organization, or community group! Get materials and book one of our speakers to share how child sponsorship empowers children globally. You can learn about opportunities to partner with our Child Sponsorship, and Enable the Children programs. Contact us today for more information or to book your event!

Faith in Action Hub

Whether you are focused locally or globally, if you want to address poverty or social justice, respond to disasters and emergencies, or care for and empower the oppressed, WHI is ready to help you and work alongside you.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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