Experience the Country of Cambodia

Vision trips to Cambodia are great opportunities you don’t want to miss! This area has numerous initiatives of which you can be involved!

Cambodia Facts

UN, World Bank

Capital: Phnom Penh

Population: 16 million

Currency: Riel (KHR)

Area: 181,035 km(69,898 sq mi) 

Languages: Khmer

Major religions:  Buddhism

WHI in Cambodia

World Hope International has been implementing development programming in Cambodia since 1998. In partnership with a range of public and private sector partners, WHI leads agriculture, anti-trafficking, gender-based violence prevention and response, and rural development efforts that span the country with a concentrated focus in Kampong Cham and Mondulkiri Provinces. 

When we have teams come to our projects, we encourage them to partner with one of the projects they work with throughout the year and involve their community. That way we are not only bringing people but also mobilizing funds to these important ministry projects. 

Internships Open Doors to Hope

Recent graduate from high school, Sry Nit, an indigenous Bunong student is one of 8 students to receive a REDD+ scholarship.

Weaving for the Future

Among the Bunong people in Cambodia, teaching the next generation of women to weave is preserving their culture through creative acts.

Learning Life Skills through Sport

After school programs are transforming lives in Cambodia. Through sport girls and boys learn how to set and achieve goals through discipline and commitment.



Spaces Available

8 People

How Long

10 Days


18 yrs & older


Passport & Visa

*Cost includes tickets, meals, in-country transportation, and housing (subject to change)

Type of Work

Church Partnership

Our work in Cambodia is complex, addressing multi-faceted problems in a wholistic way.  Would you pray for our work in Cambodia?

Elementary School

We have a school feeding program and are active in the local school. You can read more about this project here: https://worldhope.ca/unlocking-opportunities-among-the-bunong/ 


This region has elephants and endangered species, see more info here.  Also, here are some cool links on our conservation projects in this area: Jahoo Gibbon Camphttps://worldhope.ca/project/jahoo-gibbon-camp/. We are working to empower this people group to learn how to use the eco-tourism of the area to earn money for their families and community. 


TapEffect seeks to tackle the lack of safe water access in Cambodia by implementing and operating a portfolio of piped water systems in rural and semi-rural areas. These areas are typically prone to climate change impacts and are also where logistical, technological, and financial constraints make it challenging for communities to otherwise access clean water.

Start Your Journey

Several months ago Tanya Nace called to chat with me about an opportunity for church partnership in Cambodia. Though while living in Cambodia I had only driven through a small corner of Mondulkiri, I was immediately intrigued and have found myself dreaming of the day I could visit this small community living on the fringes of Cambodia with a team from our church. The Bunong people in Mondulkiri province of Cambodia need a chance at quality education, nutrition and an opportunity to know Jesus and I am elated to think that Solid Rock Wesleyan Church from Mount Pearl, Newfoundland, Canada has been given an opportunity to partner with World Hope International to make that happen! 

Peter Hayes

Pastor of Solid Rock Wesleyan Church

Meet Milet! Dr. Emelita Goddard is a community development strategist with more than 20 years of experience in design, management, monitoring, and evaluation of integrated community development programs for vulnerable communities and key affected populations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Learn more about the Cambodia team.

Things You Need to Know

Passport Required: Yes – 6 month validation

Visa Required: Yes

Vaccinations: Please consult your family doctor

Volunteer surrounded by people

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