Ukweli Test Strips

In Sierra Leone, WHI is training health care workers in the use of test strips for screening for urinary tract infections and diabetes.

Project Information

Project Status: Active
Start Date: 2016
End Date: Ongoing
Countries: Sierra Leone

Good Health & Well-Being

Low Cost UTI and Preeclampsia Test Strips

In partnership with Lehigh University, WHI researched the efficacy of Ukweli test strips toward improving the identification and treatment of UTIs and diabetes. 

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) are the most common bacterial infec­tions among women and are particularly common among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa. An untreated UTI can spread to the kidneys resulting in severe kidney damage, can cause birth complica­tions, and can increase vulnerability to HIV and other sexually transmitted infections. Besides posing a threat to health, UTIs also impose an economic and social burden due to the stigma associated with them. In Sierra Leone, there are limited to no UTI and diabetes diagnostic services available locally and people have to travel to the closest town, usually miles away, for diagnosis and treatment. Needless to say, most never make the trip.


The Ukweli venture plans to use the results from the study to implement a sustainable business surrounding urinalysis screening in Sierra Leone. In time, WHI and Lehigh University plan will work with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation to begin the manufacture and use of Ukweli UTI test strips in Sierra Leone and to study other possible screening applications for the strips.


Our UTI and preeclampsia test strips are 2 cents. We have partnered with a manufacturer in China that produces top-quality urine biomarker assays. 


Our UTI and preeclampsia strips test for 3 parameters, allowing for an easy interpretation of results so all health workers regardless of education can test and refer their community members.


We currently have a partnership with World Hope International and a distribution network of over 1000 trusted Community Health Workers.

Changing Health Outcomes in Sierra Leone

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