Holy Living and Justice

Holy Living and Justice

Holy Living and Justice Original blog published March 21, 2022 on wesleyan.org, shared with permission.   God’s call to be holy moves us beyond ourselves to act justly on behalf of others. “The experience of sanctification socialized the individual disposition and...
More Than Can Be Imagined

More Than Can Be Imagined

More Than Can Be Imagined No matter how prepared or strategic you are when designing a project, whenever you partner with a new community to improve access to a basic human right, like clean water or quality education, it is impossible to imagine the full scope of...
More Than Can Be Imagined

Learning about Lament

Learning about Lament Lament seems the opposite of giving thanks. Yet, in recent years there has been much discussion about the power of Lament and how the practice brings about healing and gratitude. In further research, we find lament a form of praise, asking God to...
More Than Can Be Imagined

Lessons in Love Amid Disasters

Lessons in Love Amid Disasters Perhaps I am the only one who has struggled to understand the words of Jesus which, to paraphrase, tells each of us to “love your enemy; pray for your enemy; do good to your enemy.” What does that mean? What might that look like? And...
More Than Can Be Imagined

Giving Out of Poverty

Giving Out of Poverty When I read the following letter addressed to World Hope International a few weeks ago, I was stunned, humbled, and blessed all at the same time. Dear Servants of the Lord, The residents of the Lighthouse Outreach Center are sending this donation...
Volunteer surrounded by people

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