Up-Close & Personal
Equipped for Entrepreneurship
45 adolescent girls in Sierra Leone seized an opportunity to participate in a soap making and selling training program. What happened next?
New Partnership Increases our Impact Here at Home
We love the power of partnerships! Read on to find out more about our newest alliance with the Salvation Army in emergency disaster response, and how this will allow us to broaden our impact within our own communities in Canada!
How I First Learned the Meaning of Loving My Neighbor
In 1985, I was visiting an Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camp in the rural part of El Salvador. I was visiting El Salvador with a group of faith leaders on behalf of the Grand Rapids Center for Ecumenism, an agency of the Christian faith community of Grand Rapids, Michigan, focusing on hunger issues in the troubled region of Central America at this time…
Zaldy and the Gift of Education
At World Hope International, we look forward to Christmas celebrations with our Child Sponsorship communities every year, but this past December’s time of special activities was even more anticipated around the globe after the many hardships of 2020.
Moving From Grief to Hope
Saidu Kanu, World Hope’s Country Director for Sierra Leone, shares some personal reflections and offers this message of healing and hope as he reflects on the turbulent events that took place in Sierra Leone on January 6th, 1999, and on January 6th, 2021 in the United States and Ghana…
Human Trafficking: Exploited Hope
In 2020, World Hope’s Anti-Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence Team in Sierra Leone served nearly 1,000 survivors, including children and adults—many of whom were exploited through migration. One of them was a 28-year-old young woman who only dreamed of making a better life for herself and her family…
Saidu Kanu Honored in Freetown
Country Director for WHI Sierra Leone, Saidu Kanu, was honoured as one of the 100 Most Outstanding Sierra Leoneans at the 2020 Sierra Ovation Awards Ceremony. Congratulations, Saidu!
Building Hope Through Accessible, Inclusive Communities
As we celebrate Human Rights Day this December 10th, it’s good to also reflect on how we are working to ensure that human rights are able to be enjoyed by everyone and are truly universal.
Fall 2020 Intern: Kaylee Abato
Meet Fall 2020 intern Kaylee Abato. Kaylee is interning in our communication department, focusing on getting the word out about the importance of WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) for healthcare…
Elizabeth’s Gift: A Survivor Steps Forward with Her Story to Protect Other Women and Girls
One woman shares her story of survival – and her call for an end to violence against women and girls…