Meet Our Interns
We partner with students at accredited colleges and universities to connect their talents, passions, and education to internship opportunities.
Valued Volunteers
Two volunteers spent a year with the Enable the Children program in Sierra Leone, teaching and learning about living with disabilities.
The Heart, Healing, and Hope
Read a reflection from a World Hope intern after her summer working with the Canadian team and what she learned about herself and our work.
What I Know Now
Read what one World Hope International intern learned about the organization, herself, and poverty alleviation in the way of Jesus.
Don’t Wait to Make a Difference
Here are some ways students and young adults can easily get involved in what we do here at World Hope International and be part of the global transformation.
Meet Jasmine, our Sports for Development Intern
“Being involved in the health/fitness/sports industry, this experience has been a great way of incorporating and aligning it with an organization and focusing on development.”
Meet Nina Halbertsma!
Meet Nina, who has been interning in Cambodia working with TapEffect! Here’s what she thinks of her experience so far…
Summer 2021 Intern: Ashleigh Gushiken
A rising Junior at George Washington University, Ashleigh is spending her summer addressing human trafficking and learning about life in the NGO space. Here’s what she thinks of her experience so far…
Spring 2021 Intern: Anja Lendi
“I have always said that in whatever I do, I want to help someone somewhere. So to work on several projects that help people in need is a dream come true for me.”
Fall 2020 Intern: Kaylee Abato
Meet Fall 2020 intern Kaylee Abato. Kaylee is interning in our communication department, focusing on getting the word out about the importance of WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) for healthcare…
Summer 2020 Intern: Grace Payne
Meet Summer 2020 fellow Grace Payne.This summer Grace is serving as our Legal Intern under our Chief Legal Officer. Learn all about her heart for global impact.
Spending of World Hope International (Canada) funds is confined to Board approved projects. Funds designated towards a project are used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for that project has been met or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board, the remaining funds designated will be used where needed most.