Containing the Spread

Containing the Spread

Containing the Spread Containing the spread of the COVID-19 Epidemic and safeguarding livelihoods of vulnerable groups in slum areas. Project Information Project Status: Legacy Start Date: June 2020 End Date: December 2020 Countries: Sierra Leone Resources Related...


Coronavirus Disease 2019 Intentionally responding to COVID-19 nationally and internationally, tailored to the specific needs of each community we serve. Make a Gift GET-SUPPORT NOW Project Information Project Status: Active Start Date: Feb 2020 End Date: Ongoing...
Ebola Response

Ebola Response

Responding to the Ebola Outbreak in Sierra Leone From training healthcare workers and setting up isolation units to helping with burials, delivering food, providing shunned survivor care and more, we worked to holistically empower, protect, and build resiliency across...
Ambulance Services

Ambulance Services

Ambulance Services Sierra Leone is one of the worst places for pregnant women, and delay in seeking care and lack of an effective and functioning emergency system contributes to this problem. Project Information Project Status: Legacy Start Date: 2016 End Date:...
Volunteer surrounded by people

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