Access to Markets & Finance

Going from an idea to a profit takes a lot of steps

It’s not as simple as identifying what consumers want and nothing more–and a lack of funds is often the one barrier between people in vulnerable communities having a great idea and being able to execute on it.

Profiting on a product first requires figuring out how to develop it even in adverse situations and then how to get it onto the market—and for a fair price.
Even in the poorest places around the world, hardworking people struggle to improve the conditions of their families. While they are producing a good or product to sell, people may lack the knowledge or opportunity necessary to form a market or delivery system to benefit or grow their profit.

At World Hope, though, we are believers in innovation—and that in working alongside vulnerable communities, we can help them develop their ideas into a profit and lift themselves out of poverty.

Steamers, Straw, & Second Chances

Did you know farming mushrooms can change lives? Keep reading to learn more about our Mushroom Cultivation project in Cambodia!

Mushrooms, Migration, & Opportunities

Growing mushrooms has many benefits for farmers in Kampong Khan, Cambodia. It’s contributed to food security, reduced labor migration, and family reunification.

Wildlife Based Tourism

Respectfully adopting the Bunong word ‘Jahoo’ meaning female Gibbon, World Hope is working alongside the Indigenous Community Committee (ICC) towards a low impact, eco-tourism plan, enhancing both the previous business model and camp facilities for future visitors…

A More Sustainable, Ecological Approach to Development

Discover what World Hope is doing among the indigenous Bunong communities in Mondulkiri, Cambodia, to combat deforestation & poaching, preserve their cultural heritage & raise important social issues, provide access to clean water and education, and more…

Harvesting Transformation through Mushrooms: A Story of Change

“I started my first mushroom house in January 2017. I decided to invest in growing mushroom. It was just like taking a big step for my family. Our family was so worried we might end up losing our money if mushroom production is not good. However, my mushroom production has been running well…”

Sometimes a simple infusion of cash is all they need to jumpstart their business venture. Other times, it may be that they lack access to credit, or are looking for an investor, need insurance, or some other form of financial aid.

For families who’ve had to change their pattern of work to allow for care to be provided for a child living with disabilities at home, a small business-startup grant can make all the difference. Creating a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) that provides opportunities for foreign direct investment can also have a profound impact on a community.

We are always working closely with vulnerable populations to find innovative ways to create opportunities so that they can expand their incomes and improve their lives. 

Volunteer surrounded by people

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