Happy New Year!

by | Jan 1, 2020 | Desk of Tanya

Happy New Year! What’s on your mind today?

Today I am thinking about you. I am thinking about how a small group of people can come together to make a big impact.  How together, we can help others help themselves. Want a sneak peek for World Hope’s 2020 plans for Canada? Well, this is just a small snapshot, but why not whet your appetite on this first day of a New Year: 

1. Join the Challenge to Drill 20 Wells in 2020!

Today, we launch our challenge to raise funds for 20 deep borehole wells in African villages where clean water is not currently accessible. We already have 6 wells committed by communities and churches across Canada, and now is the time for others to commit to drilling a deep borehole well. With a gift like this, an entire community can be transformed. Water not only keeps children from getting sick and decreases the infant mortality rate, but it decreases human trafficking and provides the opportunity for agriculture to flourish. That’s why World Hope works to provide access to clean water and sanitation around the world. 

2. Take the Opportunity to Enable Children

Today, we launch the opportunity to get involved in helping children living with disabilities know they are loved, valued, and included. Poor health care contributes to high rates of physical and mental disability in Sierra Leone. Unfortunately, cultural misunderstanding of disabilityaround the world, complicated by a lack of health care or other public support services, makes children living with physical and mental disabilities some of the world’s most vulnerable children. 

3. Celebrate Our First Village Partnership!

Today, we also launch our very first Village Partnership between a Canadian Church and a village in Africa!  Cornerstone Wesleyan Church has committed to a three-year journey with a village in Sierra Leone.

They will work in partnership with a village committee and World Hope staff to holistically address community-identified needs and support community-led solutions. 

Through Village Partnerships, spiritual growth, food security, education, agribusiness and community health are addressed in a coordinated way to bring lasting improvement.

4. Rebuilding After Dorian

In just a few weeks, our first Canadian teams will begin to rebuild homes and repair churches that were destroyed by Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. Together we will help ease the pain of losing loved ones, homes and material possessions by assisting to rebuild these communities in need. Learn more about rebuilding.

We are also providing temporary renewable energy with Tesla Mobile Powerwall Units to critical emergency services around The Bahamas, including health stations.  

Well, that is what I’m thinking about today!  What does this have to do with you? Everything!

I am intensely aware that we are better together. We work best in community, and when everyone does their part, the world truly becomes a better place. I am aware that our faith in Jesus is the foundation from which we work and speaks deeply into why we believe that the world’s most vulnerable populations matter and are valued.

Thank you for joining me on the journey to bring opportunity, dignity and hope to a world in need in 2020. It’s going to be an amazing year!

You can support the work of World Hope around the world by giving to The Hope Fund, which helps us help others when and where it matters.

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