The Beauty of Cultural Diversity

by | May 23, 2024 | General

A Snapshot of Diversity 

There is something beautiful about cultural diversity. It is something that we experience in and around our own communities and when we travel abroad. As Christians, whether we know it or not, we pray for unity in diversity whenever we pray The Lord’s Prayer: “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The Church looks like God’s people from all nations, tribes, and tongues worshipping together. 

We pray for unity in diversity whenever we pray The Lord’s Prayer: “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

It’s not that we all need to be the same, but we need to care about others and curiously ask questions, seeking to understand. Every single person on the planet has been made in the image of God. Looking around at all the diversity in skin tones and features, cultural norms and ways, and truly grasping it, is vital to living biblically.  

Haiti Child Sponsorship

Look, Listen, Learn, and Love 

At World Hope International, we partner together to empower people in the way of Jesus. We have diverse staff in offices in 7 different countries and our teams work together regularly. There is diversity and organizational unity as we work to see sustainable change happen in vulnerable communities. What it means is that we come alongside one another to look, listen, learn, and love. What does this practically mean?

It means that we look to see people for who they are, where they live, what family means to them. We listen to their stories, asking what their gifts and talents are, hearing what their hopes and dreams for their and their children’s futures are. We do not enter other countries, communities, and families to teach them how to live, but we want to learn from the people our programs empower how we can partner to help them achieve their goals. All these things we do with the love of Jesus.  

The Way 

Throughout Scripture, we see Jesus enter communities and love people right where they are. He is kind and compassionate coming alongside and sharing in life’s moments. When we embrace cultural diversity from a learning posture, we demonstrate true love for others. We set aside agendas, lean in, and truly listen to understand rather than to respond. We make room for others who are different from us and welcome them with open hearts and arms.  

As we encounter people who are different from us, we are called to do so in ways that preserve dignity. Let’s start where we are. Grab coffee with someone different from you and truly listen, learn, and love the way Jesus does without judgment, without trying to change them, but allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in this journey of truly embracing the beauty in diversity.

Adapted Education Class

There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28 NRSVUE

Learn more about the ways we work.  If you want to support our programs you can make a gift to The Hope Fund, which strategically strengthens our work around the world.

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