girls going to school

The Power of Hope

“People need to see the opportunities that are out there for them, a future of possibilities. There’s power in that hope; seeing what they can access and do or be.” ~Pheap, World Hope International – Cambodia



Building Hope Together

“Love is very practical. It’s not just a sentiment. If you want transformation, that requires action.” ~Luciano, World Hope International – Haiti

World Hope International addresses global poverty with sustainable, grassroots solutions. Our programs promote dignity and build opportunity and hope in the communities we work alongside of globally. We respond to both acute crises and systemic challenges, partnering with local communities to implement the most sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions — initiatives that belong to the communities and are centered on their visions for a better future. And we do it all through strong relationships with faith-based and secular organizations, churches, and governments and individuals who share our compassion for those who have been marginalized, excluded, and not listened to.

Today, we want to give you the opportunity to join us in this good work with a donation. 

power of hope
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You can help transform lives!

A gift to The Hope Fund empowers those lacking fundamental resources to lift themselves and their communities out of poverty with opportunity, dignity, and hope.

We Inspire Hope

As a global alliance, our work spans over 20 countries around the world. We work primarily across four sectors, running projects that include clean water & sanitation, advocating against gender-based violence, creating access to education, reducing plastic pollution, and many other innovative and sustainable solutions to poverty, suffering, and injustice – like our mushroom cultivation project in Cambodia or the GivePower Solar Water Farm in Haiti.

clean water & energy

We Invest In Clean Water & Energy

As we drill wells, create solar-powered desalination systems, and provide clean, affordable energy to off-grid communities, we help communities that have been marginalized around the world build a better future.

clean water & energy

We Implement Protection

As we work alongside communities to counter human trafficking and gender-based violence, build access to quality education, empower youth, and strengthen civil society and governance, we address issues that violate basic human rights, facilitate audacious change, and inspire hope.

clean water & energy

We Address Global Health

As we address child and maternal health, increase healthcare accessibility, and combat infectious disease, we mitigate stigma and misunderstanding, promote human dignity, and improve the wellbeing of women, children, and entire families.

clean water & energy

We Innovate Social Ventures

Whether it’s building food security, addressing water scarcity, creating access to markets and finance, developing opportunities for youth, we will work alongside local communities to launch social ventures and build sustainable solutions.

Opportunity, Dignity & Hope

“You have the opportunity to help transform lives—like the girl who experienced the brokenness of assault; the community that experienced the lack of education and the lack of clean water. Your gift can open up access to those things which they didn’t have before and begin to bring justice, healing, and hope into a hurting, broken world.” ~Pheap, World Hope International – Cambodia

Seizing the opportunity for economic stability and a future of possibility

Victoria participated in a training program on making and selling soap that was implemented by World Hope International and funded by the International Finance Corporation in response to COVID-19. She shares how the opportunity is changing her life for the better – and what she dreams for the future.

Mushrooms farming is benefiting families - and their communities

Q: How has mushroom farming impacted local communities? A: If you guessed one or all of increased food security, reduced labor migration, improved sanitation and hygiene, or affordable education – you’d be correct! And those are just some of the benefits…

Water springs opportunity & hope

Meet Lovedarly from the Haitian island of LaGonâve, where a severe lack of accessible, clean water made schooling and staying healthy a challenge. But now she is able to enjoy clean water through the new, solar-powered water farm installed on the island and launched in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here’s what she has to say about it…

Building hope for life

Meet Petra, a parent and pedagog who lives and works in Livno, Bosnia, and who is making a difference in the lives of children at a school where she works as well as in partnership with World Hope International.  “I am a mom. I always think about my kids most frequently. That they could also get a chance for adequate education. That they would succeed in going to school. Finish or not finish university, that will be their decision. But I have hope for life here…”

Walking to a better future

Meet Alhassan, who is participating with his family in World Hope’s Enable the Children (ETC) program and working on cognition exercises and physical therapy. What difference is it making? As his mother puts it, “They have helped him improve a lot. He has started walking due to these exercises…”

Helping others find hope

Meet Miriam Fullah, who manages the Recovery Centre in Sierra Leone. “I’m able to help others. I’m able to give hope, aspirations for their life after they have these bitter experiences. I really enjoy my life here and this, I know, is what I want to continue doing for the rest of my life.” 

Empowering Educators

Empowering Educators

On World Teacher’s Day 2024, we celebrate teachers who are making a difference in the lives of children around the world.

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