Partnering with World Hope this Christmas?

by | Dec 17, 2019 | Acting in Faith

If your congregation has chosen to support the work of World Hope International this Christmas, then first off, thank you!!

Secondly, we want to make sure you have some resources on hand. Here are three things that may be of use!


1. Bulletin Inserts

Here are some inserts you can chose from to include in your church bulletin or programmes. Just save them to your downloads! 

2. Newly Released Videos!

As pat of our year-end campaign to unlock the possibilities for people around the world, we are slowly releasing new videos as we reach certain fundraising points. You can use the videos during your services or share them as they are released!

3. A Fun Fundraising Idea: To Fill A Water Jug

One church on Prince Edward Island that partnered with us last year had a unique approach to clean water and fundraising. Click the image below to read about what they did and the impact it had.

Contact us today for more resources or to discuss ideas for partnership. We would love to work with you to serve the vulnerable around the world. You can reach us at +1-613-482-1499 or by email

Volunteer surrounded by people

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