Combating Infectious Diseases

In addition to addressing easily preventable illnesses, WHI also tackles the prevention and control of major disease outbreaks.

Whether that comes in the form of responding to disasters in order to prevent the outbreak of cholera; being first responders to the Ebola outbreak, or working within communities using social behavior change communication strategies to manage and mitigate disease outbreaks in the aftermath. 

Successfully combatting infectious diseases in the long run and protecting vulnerable communities means anticipating outbreaks in health hotspots, laying preventative measures in place in known disaster zones, and working within and alongside communities to build healthy habits and understanding.

Responding to disease outbreaks can not only include initial action, but addressing the often devastating economic and psychological impact in the aftermath for years to come. 

Medicine Distribution Offers Dignity

In partnership with other organizations, World Hope International works to remove obstacles for people to receive the health care they need.

Changing Health Outcomes in Sierra Leone

Cervical cancer disproportionately affects the poorest women of the world. But there is hope through collaborative efforts to eliminate cervical cancer.

Family Connections

Enable the Children is equipping families to thrive and live with unexpected diagnoses – to put words to what they are experiencing and to live with dignity.

Science is Saving Lives in Sierra Leone

The see and treat method of screening for cervical cancer is saving women’s lives in Sierra Leone and helping to prevent maternal death.

Opening Doors to Education

Enable the Children is opening doors to education through apprenticeship opportunities helping children living with disabilities to thrive.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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