Child & Maternal Health

Infants, Children, and Women should not be allowed to die from preventable health crises.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 830 women die every day from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth and
99% of all maternal deaths occur in developing countries. Not only that, but maternal mortality is higher in women living in rural areas and among poorer communities. WHO also notes that in 2017, 4.1 million (75% of all under-five deaths) occurred within the first year of life.

That is unacceptable.

And that is why we are working to create change by providing infant, child, and maternal health support and services; collect and analyze data on why mortality rates are so high in the first place, and provide physiotherapy and emotional support for children and families with disabilities.

Valued Volunteers

Two volunteers spent a year with the Enable the Children program in Sierra Leone, teaching and learning about living with disabilities.

Hope Amidst Hardship

Equipped to provide for their own patients’ needs, has allowed La Gonâve Wesleyen Hospital to respond to the needs of others.

Brace for Change

Sam, a physiotherapist, is equipping children and their families to live life to the full, empowering them with the tools and knowledge they need.

Birthing Hope

In Sierra Leone, 72% of stillbirths and under 5 deaths are preventable and the CHAMPS team is working to make that a reality.

Delivering Hope

In clinics and hospitals around Liberia, medicines and medical supplies can often run out. World Hope International is helping to replenish needed supplies.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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