Market-Based Approaches

We’re believers in innovation—and that community-inspired business approaches can offer sustainable economic opportunities.

Market-based solutions to fight global poverty

We know that enterprises offering beneficial products and services can create a sustainable social impact for the poor.

Even in the poorest places around the world, hardworking people struggle to improve the conditions of their families. While they are producing a good or product to sell, people may lack the knowledge or opportunity necessary to form a market or delivery system to benefit or grow their profit.

That’s why we work to lay the groundwork for healthy, private sector collaborations at the grassroots and global trading levels. We support the start-up of businesses that can help people out of poverty while providing a service that everyone needs—like growing food, producing power, and improving access to clean water.

Impactful Radio

Radio Fry Fry is transforming lives in Sierra Leone, reaching out with Good News that is relevant and timely, tackling difficult subjects.

Growing Hope in Cambodia

Farmers are learning to grow and market new crops, opening doors to sustainability and hope for them and their families futures.

Empowerment through Ecotourism

In Mondulkiri province of Cambodia, you will find a unique ecotourism camp committed to protecting endangered species that call this area home.

individuals visited Jahoo Camp through 65 booked tours in Cambodia in 2020

adolescent girls were trained on soap making business to prevent COVID19 in Sierra Leone in 2020

agents established 28 mobile power hubs in 22 villages in Sierra Leone in 2020

people listening to Christian radio in Sierra Leone in 2020

Volunteer surrounded by people

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