Empowering the Vulnerable: Providing Light to Dark Futures

by | May 16, 2019 | Desk of Tanya

Cole Rooney, our Donor Services Coordinator recently sat down with Carole Tanney, a retired nurse from Brockville, Ont to get her perspective on why she feels led to help those who are most vulnerable around the world. Carole has partnered with World Hope and Project Reach Out for many years, primarily helping with the work in Ghana, West Africa.

Cole: What does hope mean to you?

Carole: To me- hope means, a light in the darkness of a future where there seems to be no space or inclination for one to belong and serve.

Cole: What does “empowering women” mean to you? 

Carole: Everyone knows that women have a unique view of their world/community and its needs.  Men have solutions that are usually logical and meet the needs, but women see a broader perspective and a compassionate way to solve problems.  This may be from not only thinking of themselves but also looking at things as they would impact their family and community. When women are given the opportunity to be educated and given a voice in decision making their views and decisions become more all-encompassing.

Cole: How has World Hope’s mission impacted you?

Carole: World Hope’s mission has impacted me by broadening my view of needs and finding innovative ways to meet those needs.

Cole: How did you first hear about World Hope?

Carole: I first heard about World Hope through Sheldon and Stephanie Gilmer.  They came to a Project Reach Out Canada board meeting (of which I was chairperson) and did a presentation about the work of World Hope Canada and subsequently to our church, Centennial Road Church as well.  We had been working with Project Reach Out Ghana and World Hope was interested in that work.  After long consultations and investigations Project Reach Out Canada joined World Hope to give a more concentrated and effective effort of the work in Ghana.

Cole: Why is protecting the vulnerable important?

Carole: Protecting the vulnerable is important because the cycle of vulnerability and poverty can be broken with education, development, and awareness. It is our responsibility in developed countries to assist more undeveloped countries in raising the level of awareness and the possible solutions to the most pressing problems. Vulnerability gives power to men of questionable motives, and these powerful people often bring down the standards of integrity in a community and country.

Cole: Why are you passionate about International Development?

Carole: I am passionate about International Development because I see women working hard from early morning to late night to improve the status of their lives and families–only to see corruption, poverty and unawareness of issues,(the causes and interventions that affect these issues), and their own powerlessness to affect change make all their work ineffective.  Give people the tools to improve their lives and the knowledge and money to go ahead and they will work hard to increase their own productivity and effectiveness within their own environment.

Learn more about how we empower the vulnerable through education. To support the work we do, make a gift to The Hope Fund, which empowers vulnerable populations around the world when and where it matters!

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