World Hope International Featured in Case Studies Published by USAID’s Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives
For more than five decades now, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been working with faith-based organizations in order to not only increase the impact of foreign assistance broadly, but to help vulnerable communities on the path to self-reliance.
In July 2019, USAID’s Center for Faith and Opportunity Initiatives (CFOI) published the “Compendium of Case Studies on Faith-Based and Community Engagement to Achieve U.S. Development Goals.” This compilation of case studies features World Hope International’s response to the Ebola outbreak (Page 30).
As noted by the Joint Learning Initiative on Faith & Local Communities (JLIFLC), “these stories of cooperation with faith-based, faith-inspired and local community organizations and their leaders demonstrates both the significant added value of working together and the considerable potential for scaling up the impact of USAID’s work.”
Read more about our response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone and check out other health projects we work on alongside vulnerable communities around the world. You can also make a gift to The Hope Fund and empower us to make the difference when and where it matters.