When disaster strikes, supplying fresh water is vital for survival

Jan 16, 2019 | Clean Water and Sanitation, Emergency Response

Through the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery, World Hope International is turning ideas into action by supplying fresh water to remote communities in the Caribbean in the aftermath of natural disasters.

Water is one thing we don’t think about too often. We brush our teeth, wash and prepare food, and pour a glass to drink. It’s everywhere – from our sinks at home to the bottles we can buy at the corner grocery. But what if in a blink of an eye, there was no more water?

That’s exactly the situation communities found themselves in when Hurricanes Maria and Irma struck the Caribbean in 2017. And for communities living “off the grid” in remote areas, waiting for a town or city to restore the water supply simply wasn’t an option. They had to wait or walk long distances just to bring home enough water to drink for the day. Making the situation a double burden, the need for water nearly doubles in the aftermath of an emergency. Without it, the likelihood of diseases like diarrhea, Typhoid fever, and cholera rapidly increases.

Meanwhile, logistical challenges such as power outages, transportation, and failing infrastructure in remote areas prevent first responders from reaching those who needed assistance the most.

Inspired by this information, World Hope International (WHI), a nonprofit working with communities to alleviate poverty, suffering, and injustice, made a Commitment to Action… >> Read the full story

This blog was written by the Clinton Foundation and is cross-posted from Medium.  


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