Unlock the Possibilities


Unlock the Possibilities


Meet Mbalu…

One of four siblings, she’s a 17-year-old living in a rural village in Sierra Leone that has limited water, no electricity, and only a single primary school. Access to clean water, quality education, and opportunities for a hopeful future have been scarce for Mbalu and her community – and diminished even further by the impacts of COVID-19.

That’s why World Hope launched a project teaching 45 adolescent girls in Sierra Leone, including Mbalu, how to make and market soap. Mbalu has been trying to complete her education and now, it just might be possible.

When we come together to empower and equip people like Mbalu, we unlock the possibilities for their own future and give them the tools they need to reach back and lift up their families and communities in turn.

“I think that this programme is assisting me to become somebody important in life and it is helping me help my family members.” ~Mbalu


Mbalu’s future – and the future of others like her – can be EXTRAORDINARY

Through our soap project, Mbalu is not only learning lifelong skills and a trade, but now, she and the other participants can pay their own school fees, be protected from trafficking and exploitation, grow some savings, understand how to run a business, develop a strong support network, and give back to their own villages.

We envision a world where those like Mbalu have access to quality education, safety, and an economic livelihood; clean water and sanitation facilities; electricity, and reliable healthcare services —and it is your vision, passion, and generosity that will help make that possible. Will you join us us in making this possible with a gift today? A gift of any size will help us meet our year-end goal of $50,000.

Explore the Soap Project

COVID-19 Support for Adolescent Girls

An IFC advisory program leveraging the demand on sanitation supplies to equip girls with income-generating soap-making skills along with hygiene and protection best practices.

Give Hope

Explore our Work

When I grow up, I want to work in the bank; help my family members; make money flow into my country and assist my people. I want electricity in my village. Since we were born, there has never been electricity in this village; we are in darkness. I want electricity in this village and I want to move out of this village to a big city so that I can go and continue my education.


Spending of World Hope International (Canada) funds is confined to Board approved projects. Funds designated towards a project are used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for that project has been met or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board, the remaining funds designated will be used where needed most.

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