
Press Release
World Hope International Partners With My Medic™ to Donate $500,000 in Individual First Aid Kits to Ukrainian First Responders
Arlington, Va. – June 28, 2022 – Global non-profit World Hope International (WHI) has partnered with first-aid supplies and training company My Medic™ to supply 3,000 first aid kits, valued at over $500,000 USD, to emergency first responders who are treating individuals injured as a result of the war in Ukraine.
Created by My Medic as an essential trauma kit, the Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK), can mean the difference between life and death for casualties of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The kits include emergency response equipment designed to stop bleeding, stabilize fractures, seal open chest wounds, clear compromised airways, and care for burns and other medical emergencies.
To ensure seamless use of the equipment, a delegation of My Medic and WHI medical and crisis response team members traveled to Odesa, Ukraine last week to train over 400 first responders, paramedics and civilian emergency response personnel. The trainers, who focused on how to properly utilize the equipment in each kit, represent over seventy years of experience and have deployed with and trained some of the world’s top crisis response teams.
WHI’s Former CEO John Lyon, who traveled with the delegation, said, “Ordinary citizens and volunteer paramedics are on the front lines of this war. They lack equipment. They lack resources. They lack money. What they do not lack is a force of will to help those severely injured. These first aid kits and training will equip these fearless leaders to save lives.”
My Medic CEO, David Barlow added, “One of the most rewarding aspects of the partnership is that the training and kits will be implemented immediately to help save lives on the front lines of the war.”
The cost of the kits provided to WHI were discounted by My Medic. The donation of the kits and the delegation of trainers deployed to Ukraine were funded by WHI donors.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine in February, WHI has delivered over $12 million worth of medical supplies to aid those fleeing the war zone. Efforts have included partnering with churches, governments, and other aid agencies to help refugees in Moldova and Poland and training teams on the ground to watch for evidence of human trafficking.
For more information on My Medic, please visit: