Youth Empowerment

Young people are critical to global stability, economic growth, and development today and in the future.

With over half of the world’s population under age 301, ensuring they have access to education, employment, and equal opportunities is vital.

Unfortunately, 20% of all youth in the developing world are not in education, training, or employment at all.2 Even though they make up more than half the population, a UN report3 notes that young people are often faced with age-related challenges and barriers to participation in economic, political and social life, which significantly limits not only their personal development but sustainable development in their communities and countries, as well.

In order to harness the potential of youth, we have to first protect their health and well-being, guarantee quality education and access to it, provide decent work opportunities, and address all the other challenges they face.

That’s why World Hope International is working to not only ensure that youth have access to education, but that youth leadership is strengthened, they have access to more economic opportunities, and their health and wellbeing are integrated across our programming.

1. EuroMonitor International  2. USAID Youth 3. UN report

Growing Hope in Cambodia

Farmers are learning to grow and market new crops, opening doors to sustainability and hope for them and their families futures.

Restorying Hope

Read the inspiring story of 3 children survivors of online sexual exploitation and the journey to bring them home to their family.

Empowering Educators

On World Teacher’s Day 2024, we celebrate teachers who are making a difference in the lives of children around the world.

Protecting Education

This International Day to Protect Education from Attack, we recognize that when attacks happen at schools, children’s right to education is under attack too.

Internships Open Doors to Hope

Recent graduate from high school, Sry Nit, an indigenous Bunong student is one of 8 students to receive a REDD+ scholarship.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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