Civil Society & Governance

Empowering individuals and communities to lead the way to positive, sustainable change

Vulnerable populations will remain vulnerable until they are empowered to be active citizens and become the movers and shakers in their communities.

In order to address challenges including dirty water, poverty, human trafficking, gender-based violence,  food security, climate change, and more, we work within communities to empower individuals to become catalysts for positive, sustainable change and build an engaged civil society.

This includes facilitating dialogue between communities, businesses, and governments.

Whether it’s through the establishment of our Village Water Committees, Village Development Committees, Community Early Childhood Development Committees, Indigenous Community Committees, or more, we are striving to empower vulnerable populations at the individual and community level to lead the positive change long after we are gone. 

Learning Life Skills through Sport

After school programs are transforming lives in Cambodia. Through sport girls and boys learn how to set and achieve goals through discipline and commitment.

Slavery is Not Just a Historical Issue

Slavery is evil. Yet as recently as 2021, it is estimated that 50 million people are enslaved worldwide. Read a reflection about a recent trip to Bunce Island.

Helping Trafficking Survivors Heal and Hope Again

Read a real life story from the epicenter of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and how the survivors are learning to heal and hope again.

Combating the Evils of Organ Harvesting

World Hope is working to combat the crime of organ harvesting through public awareness campaigns in print, on the radio, and digitally.

Reimagining Education: After School Programs Providing a Hope Filled Future

In Mondulkiri province in Cambodia, indigenous Bunong children are finding hope and opportunity by participating in after-school programs.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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