World Hope International produces innovative new quarantine tool powered by Disaster Tech

@WorldHopeOrg has teamed up with @DisaterTech to develop an innovative means to support those in quarantine locally and globally

Innovative “Get-Support” tool designed by World Hope International and powered by Disaster Tech launched to help communities facing enforced and voluntary quarantines

World Hope International responds to COVID-19 by launching innovative quarantine tool for communities

MONCTON, NEW BRUNSWICK (APRIL 1, 2020)World Hope International has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic by developing a unique web-based platform called Get-Support in partnership with veteran-owned technology firm, Disaster Tech. 

The Get-Support tool will provide faith-based and community organizations with the ability to quickly, securely, and safely respond to needs from those who are facing enforced or voluntary quarantine. Each organization will have its own universe within the platform, where users can submit and respond to requests for assistance from others in their community.

Get-Support will take as much workload as possible off community leaders, removing the “middle man” challenge and automating the process. It not only helps community members safely and successfully help each other, but it empowers community leaders to maintain their focus on ministering to those in need rather than attending to spreadsheets and other traditional administrative tools as requests for support build and volunteers ask how they can help. Translations of the user guide have been made possible through the Translator Interpreter Program (TIP) of the Cornell University Public Service Center.

“World Hope International has a long history of responding to vulnerable communities in moments of crisis. Our neighbours, co-workers, family members, and friends are facing a global pandemic for the first time and need the tools to help one another. Get-Support allows communities and organizations to stay connected, provide encouragement, and serve those in quarantine. We need each other now more than ever and this platform will help the vulnerable people in our communities.”

Tanya Nace
Executive Director, World Hope International Canada

“I’ve worked with World Hope International on a number of different occasions in response to disasters. When World Hope approached me about partnering with them on this tool, I knew immediately it is something we wanted to be part of. It’s an honour to know that we are helping communities across the country – and hopefully around the world- to help each other. There’s a special synergy that happens when innovative but user-friendly technology like the Get-Support tool can be built and deployed in rapid fire response  to something like this. You know the impact it has could be astronomical.”

Sean Griffin
Founder & CEO, Disaster Tech

“I’m deeply grateful to my fellow Cornellians for their translation essential efforts to make Get-Support as accessible as possible to all who need it. Cornellians all over the world are responding to President Martha Pollack’s call to support each other and our communities.”

Katherine Herleman
Senior Advisor, (Community Resiliency), Disaster Tech Board of Directors

Over 25 organizations have already started using the Get-Support tool since its initial launch on March 27th. All user data is stored on secure servers and encrypted for protection and privacy purposes, and the tool is optimized for accessibility needs. The infrastructure and applications are run through Microsoft Azure. World Hope International and Disaster Tech are already anticipating that new iterations will be developed, such as support for in-group advertisements of services or potential API connections to outside services. The user guide is already available in more than ten languages.

As a primary responder to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone from 2014 – 2016, World Hope International has significant experience working alongside communities to address and stem infectious disease outbreaks, including helping individuals and families maintain quarantines while still receiving necessary provisions including food, clean water, medical assistance, necessary supplies, and more.

More information about the Get-Support tool can be found on the product page and organizations interested in supporting their community through quarantining can register now.


Note to Editors: Interviews with internal spokespeople and possibly Get-Support beta users available.

For media queries, please contact:

Heather Hill

WHI Director, Communications & Marketing

+1 (703) 923-9414 x113

Sean Griffin

DTI Founder & Chief Executive Officer

+1 (202) 838-3176

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