More Baths Can Happen!
Recently, World Hope visited the Cambodian province of Banteay Meanchey to share the good news that TapEffect would be coming to their area.
We arrived at the household of these two girls and told them that they would no longer have to use water from a local contaminated pond. When the girls heard this news they were so excited. They could not wait to have a clean bath!
Because of TapEffect, they can now have baths more often and will not have to walk to access the pond water. They even helped read the TapEffect agreement to their grandfather who is their caregiver and not able to read.
TapEffect seeks to tackle the lack of safe water access in Cambodia by implementing and operating a portfolio of piped water systems in rural and semi-rural areas.

Banteay Meanchey is located approximately 150 km southwest of Siem Reap, Cambodia. In early March, the TapEffect team began laying pipes that will connect 3,000 households, eight schools, and four healthcare clinics in this province—with the taps on track to start running by August 2020.

Communities using TapEffect will be able to connect their local hospitals and clinics with clean water. This will help improve the water, sanitation, and hygiene conditions in their health facilities. Having tapped water in schools and homes enables sanitation best practices, reduces the risk of contamination, and improves community health.
With access to clean water communities will be able to break free from the poverty trap and maintain good health and nutrition levels for work, education, and play.
We are excited that these two girls will now have the gift of time. Girls often spend their time collecting dirty water. Now, with a tap of clean water installed directly into their home, they have time for education and doing what young girls like to do. Also, more baths can happen!
Learn more about how TapEffect offers affordable, accessible, clean, piped water.
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