Watch today! And give towards our $50,000 goal.
Every dollar you give up to $25,000 will be doubled!
Help us Ignite Hope!
By giving to The Hope Fund you increase our capacity to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity and hope. Every dollar you give up to $25,000 will be doubled through May 10.
Empowering Children in the Way of Jesus
This year, Ignite Hope, will celebrate the empowerment and transformation of children’s lives that’s happening in 6 developing countries. We will be raising money for The Hope Fund which strategically strengthens programs, helps us respond to emergencies, and provides clean water, education, medical services and protection to the most vulnerable.
Will you help us Ignite Hope and make the future bright with a gift to the Hope Fund?
By giving to The Hope Fund you increase our capacity to provide those in need with opportunity, dignity and hope. Every dollar you give up to $25,000 will be doubled through May 10.

Clean Water & Energy
In sierra leone 78 more deep borehole wells drilled providing clean water to 56,621 people

Global Health
13,897 patients were served at the LaGonave Wesleyen Hospital in Haiti