In accordance with applicable laws, World Hope International Canada (WHI CA) is committed to protecting the privacy of its adherents, donors, volunteers, employees, interns, directors, officers, and any other persons about or from whom WHI CA collects personal information.  WHI CA embraces the principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purposes for which it is collected, and is disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required.

WHI CA, its staff, volunteers, and adherents, by voluntary implied contract, submit to and are bound by the governing manual of WHI CA.

Except for the above-implied consent to collect, use and retain personal information, no personal information will be sold, rented, leased or otherwise made available to any person without the explicit consent of the member or adherent.  Except as otherwise required by the governing manual of WHI CA or the operation of law, every donor and adherent has the right, at any time, to withdraw his or her implied or explicit consent for the use of his or her personal information for any or all previously authorized uses.

With respect to the privacy of personal information, the above means that all members and adherents have given their implied consent to use their personal information for all internal purposes of WHI CA to the extent that such use is in agreement with the governing manual and the pronouncements of WHI CA from time to time.

Other persons or organizations who act for, or on behalf of, WHI CA are required to comply with the principles and the Policy and will be given restricted access to personal information solely to perform the services they may be retained to perform for WHI CA.

WHI CA has designated the Executive Director, to be its Privacy Officer. Any inquiry, request or concern related to privacy matters should be made in writing them, to be contacted at

Address:1830 Mountain Road, Suite C
Moncton, NB E1G 1A9


In accordance with applicable laws, World Hope International Canada (WHI CA) is committed to protecting the privacy of its adherents, donors, volunteers, employees, interns, directors, officers, and any other persons about or from whom WHI CA collects personal information.  WHI CA adheres to the principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purposes for which it is collected, and is disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required.

1. Accountability
World Hope International Canada (WHI CA) is responsible for maintaining and protecting the personal information under its control. WHI CA has appointed a Privacy Officer who is responsible to ensure that WHI CA complies with its privacy obligations in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

2. Identifying Purposes
World Hope International Canada (WHI CA) collects and uses personal information for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, providing services to individuals ministered to by WHI CA; establishing and maintaining members lists; managing payroll and benefits; employee performance evaluations; establishing and maintaining lists of donors.

WHI CA shall identify and explain the purposes for which it collects personal information, to the person from whom the personal information is being collected, before or at the time the information is collected.

3. Consent
Consent will be obtained from the person whose personal information is collected, used and disclosed unless obtaining the consent would be inappropriate or not required by law. Sometimes the person’s consent may be implied by virtue of their affiliation with World Hope International Canada (WHI CA) or because of the person’s conduct with WHI CA. When it is appropriate, written consent will be obtained.

Written consents will be kept on file for as long as the information is reasonably necessary. A person may withdraw his or her consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. The person will be informed of reasonably foreseeable implications of the withdrawal.

4. Limiting Collection
Information collected will be limited to that required for the purpose or purposes identified by World Hope International Canada (WHI CA). WHI CA is committed to collecting personal information in a fair, open, and lawful manner.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the person or as required by law. All collected personal information shall be destroyed, erased or made anonymous as soon as the purpose for which it was collected is no longer relevant, or as permitted by the law.  Nothing in this Privacy Policy prevents staff, interns, or volunteers from collecting, retaining, and using information related to individuals affiliated with world Hope International Canada, since such information assists in providing quality services to these individuals.

6. Accuracy
Personal information shall be maintained in as accurate, complete, and up-to-date a form as necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

7. Safeguards
Personal information will be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information. This safeguarding could include physical measures such as locked filing cabinets and premises security, organizational measures such as restricted access to files with personal information, or technological measures such as security software.

8. Openness
Information regarding the privacy policy of World Hope International Canada (WHI CA), as well as personal information management, shall be available as requested. The information will include:

Name and address of the Privacy Officer

Means of gaining access to personal information held by WHI CA

Copy of any brochures or other information that explains WHI CA’s policies, standards, or codes

9. Access to Personal Information
Access to personal information will be granted, where World Hope International Canada is legally required to release the information, and provided that the disclosure does not violate any applicable statutes or contracts, to the person to whom the information pertains, where there is an appropriate written request. The existence, use, and disclosure of the personal information will be granted within a reasonable period of time. Any inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal information will be amended as required.

10. Challenging Compliance
Complaints or inquiries about the collection, use, disclosure, or retention of personal information and World Hope International Canada’s compliance with these ten principles should be directed to the Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer will investigate complaints and ensure that appropriate measures are taken.



In accordance with applicable laws, World Hope International Canada (WHI-C) is committed to protecting the privacy of its adherents, donors, volunteers, employees, interns, directors, officers, and any other persons about or from whom WHI-C collects personal information.  WHI-C adheres to the principles of the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information to ensure that all personal information is properly collected, used only for the purposes for which it is collected, and is disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer required.

1. Accountability
World Hope International Canada (WHI-C) is responsible for maintaining and protecting the personal information under its control. WHI-C has appointed a Privacy Officer who is responsible to ensure that WHI-C complies with its privacy obligations in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

2. Identifying Purposes
World Hope International Canada (WHI-C) collects and uses personal information for a variety of purposes including, but not limited to, providing services to individuals ministered to by WHI-C; establishing and maintaining members lists; managing payroll and benefits; employee performance evaluations; establishing and maintaining lists of donors.

WHI-C shall identify and explain the purposes for which it collects personal information, to the person from whom the personal information is being collected, before or at the time the information is collected.

3. Consent
Consent will be obtained from the person whose personal information is collected, used and disclosed unless obtaining the consent would be inappropriate or not required by law. Sometimes the person’s consent may be implied by virtue of their affiliation with World Hope International Canada (WHI-C) or because of the person’s conduct with WHI-C. When it is appropriate, written consent will be obtained.

Written consents will be kept on file for as long as the information is reasonably necessary. A person may withdraw his or her consent at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and reasonable notice. The person will be informed of reasonably foreseeable implications of the withdrawal.

4. Limiting Collection
Information collected will be limited to that required for the purpose or purposes identified by World Hope International Canada (WHI-C). WHI-C is committed to collecting personal information in a fair, open, and lawful manner.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention
Personal information shall not be used or disclosed for purposes other than those for which it was collected, except with the consent of the person or as required by law. All collected personal information shall be destroyed, erased or made anonymous as soon as the purpose for which it was collected is no longer relevant, or as permitted by the law.  Nothing in this Privacy Policy prevents staff, interns, or volunteers from collecting, retaining, and using information related to individuals affiliated withWorld Hope International Canada, since such information assists in providing quality services to these individuals.

6. Accuracy
Personal information shall be maintained in as accurate, complete, and up-to-date a form as necessary in order to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected.

7. Safeguards
Personal information will be protected by security safeguards appropriate to the sensitivity of the personal information. This safeguarding could include physical measures such as locked filing cabinets and premises security, organizational measures such as restricted access to files with personal information, or technological measures such as security software.

8. Openness
Information regarding the privacy policy of World Hope International Canada (WHI-C), as well as the personal information management, shall be available as requested. The information will include:

Name and address of the Privacy Officer

Means of gaining access to personal information held by WHI-C

Copy of any brochures or other information that explains WHI-C’s policies, standards, or codes

9. Access to Personal Information
Access to personal information will be granted, where World Hope International Canada is legally required to release the information, and provided that the disclosure does not violate any applicable statutes or contracts, to the person to whom the information pertains, where there is an appropriate written request. The existence, use, and disclosure of the personal information will be granted within a reasonable period of time. Any inaccuracy or incompleteness of personal information will be amended as required.

10. Challenging Compliance
Complaints or inquiries about the collection, use, disclosure, or retention of personal information and World Hope International Canada’s compliance with these ten principles should be directed to the Privacy Officer. The Privacy Officer will investigate complaints and ensure that appropriate measures are taken.

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