Help, Health & Hope for Ukraine

It has been one year since the war in Ukraine began.  World Hope International was ready to respond to the need by supplying trauma first aid kits, medical supplies, anti-trafficking training and individual water filters for quick access to clean water. 

The Crisis Continues 

Girl outside blown up building

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 continues to profoundly impact the lives of people across the country at various levels. The frontline is constantly shifting, and there are areas controlled by Russian forces as well as cities under siege. Aerial attacks on military installations and critical civilian infrastructures are taking place throughout Ukraine, often resulting in civilian casualties.  

The invasion has resulted in the displacement of nearly 8 million Ukrainian refugees across Europe. Moldova has registered over 721,000 border crossings from Ukraine since February of 2021, as those displaced make their way through Moldova to other countries.  There are currently 102,283 Ukrainian refugees registered in Moldova. Another 6.4 million people are estimated to be displaced within Ukraine itself. 

The conflict has caused the largest population movement in Europe since World War II. By October 2022, OCHA (Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs) numbers 17.7 million people in need of humanitarian assistance.  

World Hope has responded since the conflict began, but the need remains. Your support will allow us to continue working with our partners to bring help, hope and healing to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova and be ready to answer wherever the call to help is sounded.  

Girl outside blown up building

World Hope: Alleviating suffering in times of crisis.

In partnership with other organizations, WHI responded quickly to refugees’ needs. 

Your generosity allows World Hope International to be ready to respond in times of crisis. Clean water, healthcare, and helping keep people safe are fundamental to our response efforts. 

Your donation to the Hope Fund helps World Hope respond as we continue the work in Ukraine and across the globe. 

soap - wash kit


WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene) supplies were distributed to 4,800 families through partner Mission Eurasia, impacting an estimated 14,400 people.

Prescription Medication


refugees were provided medical supplies in Moldova

Field Truck


Ukrainian from the Odesa region were evacuated Moldova

medical kit

$12 Million

dollars’ worth of medical supplies delivered through the Moldova Ministry of Health



portable power stations & 3 generators distributed across Kherson and frontline areas



people using stations and generators to power electricity and internet access

Pavel’s Journey to Safety

As the World Hope team distributed food and supplies to newly arrived refugees in northern Moldova, they met Pavel* and heard a first-hand account of his harrowing trek.

Volunteers putting together Care packages for Ukrainian refugees

Send Help, Hope and Healing now. Donate to the Hope Fund today.
The need to respond is as critical today as it was a year ago.  

*(Name has been changed to protect his identity)  

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Help, Health & Hope for Ukraine

“Access to medical supplies through World Hope International has allowed the Moldova Ministry of Health to respond to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis without significant delays.”

Andrei Cazacu

Head of the Foreign Assistance Department, Moldova Ministry of Health

Your gift today to the Hope Fund helps World Hope respond in times of crisis: in Moldova, Ukraine and across the globe. 

Volunteer surrounded by people

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