Connecting homes to life-transforming clean water

You can help connect a home in rural Cambodia to clean water.
One home will be connected for every $200 donated!
And every connection (up to 20) will be doubled thanks to a generous donor!

Clean water changes everything!

Across many communities in Cambodia, families pay to access water trucked in from dirty and dangerous sources such as rivers and ponds. Without clean water, these families and their communities are stuck in the poverty trap – they cannot maintain good health and nutrition levels for work, education, and play.

But what if they could pay an affordable rate for water that is safe, clean, and tapped right into their homes? That is exactly what World Hope’s social venture, TapEffect, is doing in Cambodia.

Elderly woman showing her tapper water

Help us connect 20 homes to clean tap water!

Donate today and make double the difference in the lives of Cambodians living in under-served rural & semi-rural communities. Every tap is doubled up to 20 taps!

We have the goal of connecting 20 homes to life-transforming clean water.

water + home

For Every $200 Raised

World Hope International & TapEffect are able to connect one home to safe & affordable drinking water to under-served rural & semi-rural communities in Cambodia.

Help connect 20 homes in Cambodia to life-transforming water. And thanks to a matching gift from a generous donor, you can make double the difference when you connect a home by September 21.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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