“Today you are YOU, that is TRUER than true. There is NO ONE alive who is YOUER than YOU!”
– Dr. Seuss

From a young age, my mom instilled in me the importance of helping those who were less fortunate, of loving people equally, and went above and beyond in serving those both in our community and around the world. Mom continues to be someone that I look up to. I look to her as an example of how to treat others and serve people no matter their situation or background. Mom was intentional to teach me about different cultures and to ensure that we didn’t think that our culture was superior.
This mother’s day, give a gift in honour of the person who has helped shape your heart for others. Give for the person who has given you hope. As Tanya, Executive Director for WHI Canada observes, “For many of us, our mother or a mother-figure in our lives is the compelling reason that we care, show compassion, and truly love others as God has loved us. My mother is a huge part of why I choose to give back and serve others.“
Gifts to The Hope Fund enable us to transform lives around the world through economic empowerment, access to clean water, health and nutrition programs, anti-trafficking and gender-based violence efforts, emergency relief, and more. Your gift to The Hope Fund empowers us to protect the vulnerable, strategically strengthen our programs, and respond to crisis globally—where and when it matters.
Give via cheque:
World Hope International (Canada)
ATTN: Gift Processing
1830 Mountain Road, Suite C
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9
Give via phone: 877-482-1499
Give via E-Transfer: finance@worldhope.ca
Give via check:
World Hope International (Canada)
ATTN: Gift Processing
1830 Mountain Road, Suite C
Moncton, NB
E1G 1A9G 1J0
Give via phone: 877-482-1499
Spending of World Hope International (Canada) funds is confined to Board approved projects. Funds designated towards a project are used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for that project has been met or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board, the remaining funds designated will be used where needed most.