Take a Trip

Our trips offer a transformative opportunity to deepen your understanding of God’s heart for poor, while offering yourself as a servant and encouragement to those you meet.

Take a trip

Experience the Impact

When you take a trip with WHI, you will have the opportunity to see for yourself how your partnership with World Hope acts as a catalyst for transformation. Experience the profound impact of work that empowers, protects, and builds resiliency.

WHI (Canada) sends the following types of teams:

Partnership Team: You have an ongoing financial partnership with a project and would like to see for yourself the impact of your giving.

Vision Team: You wish to immerse yourself in a new culture, interact with program directors, community leaders, and agents of change in a specific location.

Emergency Relief Team: You desire to respond to a natural disaster by providing clean drinking water to those who need it most.

We are currently sending teams to the following locations:



Sierra Leone

To learn more about taking a trip, please email info@worldhope.ca

Short Term Trip Inquiry

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Spending of World Hope International (Canada) funds is confined to Board approved projects. Funds designated towards a project are used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for that project has been met or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board, the remaining funds designated will be used where needed most.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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