Celebrating Christmas Around the World in Our Child Sponsorship Program

by | Jan 30, 2020 | Child Sponsorship

Sharing the joy of Christmas with our sponsored children and their peers and communities is something we look forward to each year. Here’s a glimpse into the festivities that took place around the world… 

Every very year at Christmastime, World Hope International celebrates the reason for the season with children in our child sponsorship program and their classmates.

Celebrations typically include games, some special remarks or ceremony, sharing a special meal, and opening gifts. Funding for these events is made possible through the generosity of our donors who make special gifts throughout the year.

Christmas 2019 was no exception, and our staff celebrated with students around the world.

In Zambia, we had 130 students who played games; enjoyed a meal together of chicken, potato salad, and soup; and learned about the true meaning of Christmas. Students with high academic performance were also recognized and celebrated for their accomplishments.

Due to the ongoing drought, many families across Zambia are experiencing food insecurity–making this time of fun and feasting extra special for children and their communities.

children were sponsored by the end of 2019

“We thank all the donors for making all these possible. Truly because of your faithful giving, we are making a difference into the lives of these children, not just in this party but most importantly empowering them through education that can never be taken away from them forever.”

Mariet Zyoni

Child Sponsorship Coordinator, World Hope International

In Haiti, schools held programs with games, songs, a message, and snacks. After the prolonged period of violence, communities were thankful that schools could reopen and share time celebrating together.

In the Philippines, one community shared a celebration service at church followed by games and a meal. Our other partner community had a fun day of games and snacks.

In Liberia, students at two partner schools enjoyed a meal together with juice and cookies and each received candles.

In Sierra Leone, 1,172 children attended a party in their community with a time of prayer, music, and dancing while also receiving an under shirt, socks, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Younger children also received a special toy! Children with special needs will have their annual Beach Day event with our Enable the Children program next month.

In order to maximize the impact of the sponsorship program, WHI focuses on partner schools and specific villages, varying the program slightly to adjust to cultural specifics and community needs. This lets us attend to children’s holistic needs, including building wells in schools or villages, providing training for parents and community leaders, and more.

If you want to contribute to these global celebrations, you can make a special gift today. For Christmas 2020, we are raising funds to purchase 1,500 lanterns to give children in Sierra Leone. Find out more and see how you can give the gift of light this year. 

Learn more about our Child Sponsorship program or our Enable the Children sponsorship opportunity, or consider setting up a church partnership with us. For more information or to speak with someone about church partnerships, contact us today.

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