Building Back Better: Changing Focus in The Bahamas
Since the initial devastation of Hurricane Dorian in the Abaco region of The
Bahamas, more than two months have passed already. Thanks to strong partnerships and an outpouring of support, World Hope International not only arrived on the ground with the first wave of responders on September 2nd, but continues to provide ongoing, vital support.
Through partners including Sol Relief, YachtAid Global, and Airlink, World Hope International was able to send teams with portable solar-powered reverse osmosis units capable of purifying water from fresh or salt water. These units have operated since Sept 5th, meeting a critical, initial need for clean water at Marsh Harbour, Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay, and Freeport.
Now, with larger systems for purification in place and operating, World Hope’s emergency clean water production will come to a close on November 9th.
Our volunteers will shift from making water to the delivery and supply of clean water as well as supporting the rebuilding of infrastructure, as clean, tapped water will remain off-line for many months to come.
We are grateful to the strong partnerships and the outpouring of support from individual donors, churches, and organizations for enabling us to bring immediate relief to Bahamians for the past two months in the form of clean water for drinking, bathing, washing clothes, and flushing toilets.
Our coalition’s advance team cleared airfields and harbors to support the opening of the traffic into the Abacos and established fuel depots as well. Moving forward, our volunteers will also support rebuilding efforts across the devastated communities, helping The Bahamas build back better. But that’s not all…

With your support and since September 2nd, over
people have been served
incredible volunteers have spent a week working in the Bahamas
gallons of clean water were produced

One of the ongoing, remaining critical needs in the effected Bahamas is a reliable power supply, which will remain limited for many more months.
That’s why, in a new partnership with Tesla, World Hope is now providing temporary renewable energy with Mobile Powerwall Units to critical emergency services around The Bahamas. These include Hopetown Fire Station and Health Clinic.
We are also energizing the Man-O-War Cay Health Clinic and Distribution and Command Post Center and providing power to the World Food Programme Distribution Center in Marsh Harbour, and we will continue to maintain these units for approximately 8 months.
Responding rapidly and responsibly to disasters is made possible by the support of indivual donors, churches, and organizations, as well as through our strong coalition of partner organizations and our amazing network of volunteers.
View our latest situation report for our response to Hurricane Dorian in The Bahamas.
Support our emergency response efforts specifically, or make a gift to The Hope Fund, which enables us to apply your donation where and when it matters most.