When the Clean Water Came

by | Dec 15, 2023 | General

Water is essential for healthy, thriving individuals, families, and communities. From drinking, to cooking and cleaning, even sanitation and health all depend on a clean, safe, and dependable source of water. In Sierra Leone, deep borehole wells connected to water kiosks are providing communities with a source of water that is accessible, sustainable and is creating jobs for women. 

It’s a common story in vulnerable communities worldwide; access to clean, safe water is nonexistent. Women and girls must trek miles a day, cross dangerous highways, and subject themselves to all manner of danger just to access water that is dirty and unsafe. Providing this community with a safe and sustainable water source while creating jobs for women, is giving the people hope for their future.

Strategic Partnerships

Women collecting water at a kiosk in Sierra Leone

World Hope International is partnered with Engineers Without Borders – Denmark and local NGO Water4Ever to create community-based water projects that increase economic sustainability in the suburban area of Freetown, Sierra Leone. The water kiosks provide clean water for up to 4,000 people in this community and will also become an educational platform for engineering students. Central to the project, women are being hired to manage the water kiosks and encouraged to study in the field of engineering.  

Hope Springs Forth in Sierra Leone 

Isatu, a teacher, and single parent of two children, no longer has to wake up at 4 am to fetch water. Access to clean water in close proximity to her home has given her freedom to focus on her children and teaching responsibilities. No longer spending time fetching dirty water from distant sources means Isatu has more time to dream and hope and plan for her and her children’s future.   She no longer has to worry that the water they drink might make them sick.  

Access to clean water has also contributed to a reduction in teenage pregnancy, as young girls no longer spend long hours fetching water from distant locations where they are sometimes attacked and assaulted. Access to clean water allows children to attend school regularly and concentrate on their education. The entire community is transformed when the clean water comes. They have hope for their future.

When you give to The Hope Fund, your donation impacts people like Isatu, her family, classroom and community.

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