Safe Water Access Needed
Above photo by Matthew Tkocz on Unsplash
Reality in a Developed Country
This morning, I jumped in the shower and turned on the water, flushed the toilet and washed my hands, filled the kettle with water from the tap to make coffee, washed my hands after eating breakfast, turned on the tap to fill my water bottle, and filled the sink with clean, hot water to wash the dishes I left in the sink from supper last night.
All of this was in the first hour after I woke up. In the first hour of my day – I easily used about 132 L (35 gallons) of water. All I had to do was walk from one room to another to do all these tasks. It took me an hour as I sauntered along in my slow, quiet morning.
What If?
In my imaginings, I wondered what would be different if I lived in a place where I had to walk 3-5 km for water before I could do any of these things?
In that moment, the realization that I simply would not be able to do many of my normal morning routine things, hit me hard. Life without safe, clean running water is very different than what I am accustomed to.
How many trips would I need to make to carry 35 gallons of water? How long would it take me? Would I be able to find safe, clean water or would I need to settle for murky water with green and black algae growing on it, with cows defecating in it?

Reality in a Least Developed Country
In West Africa, extreme poverty is the norm, and the majority of people are living without access to basics such as food, water, and shelter. Many are dying from malaria, typhoid, cholera, and other waterborne diseases. In least developed countries, contaminated water is being used in the same way, for the same purposes that we in the developed world use clean, safe water. This is not because people want to use contaminated water, but they do it out of necessity. Water is life and people are using what they have.
The need for water is the same in developed and least developed countries. Whether we have access to clean or dirty water, our bodies need water to survive. On this World Water Day, would you make a commitment to help change the lives of others by giving to our Clean Water Pillar?
Water Is Life
We need water. It’s not just something we want. Our bodies are made up of 60-70% water. Every cell, every tissue, every organ in our bodies need water to function. No matter our race, our size, our age, our gender, our geographical location: Water is life.
Last year, donors that gave to World Hope’s water pillar provided clean water to 52,677 people in Sierra Leone alone. One person cannot change everything, but together, we can make a huge difference!
For truly I tell you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you bear the name of Christ will by no means lose the reward. Mark 9:41 NRSVUE
Clean Water and Sanitation are important factors in the health of humanity. Our goal is to see everyone have access to safe water. You can learn more about how we are working to bring clean water to those in need. Learn more about Sustainable Development Goal 6.