Cambodia, The Kingdom of Wonder!

by | Nov 6, 2023 | General

Three pastors and one World Hope team member travelled to Cambodia in October 2023.  They experienced World Hope International projects impacting access to clean water, agriculture, education and more. Read one of the team member’s reflections…

Catching Vision in Cambodia

Pastors Jason, Jennifer, Peter and World Hope staff member Natalie recently returned from a tour of World Hope International – Cambodia project sites, touring the country from one end to the other. Their experience on the ground developed a stronger desire to come alongside World Hope and their efforts there and to encourage other like-minded churches and individuals to get on board as well.

Team Members with Bunong Children

Impacting Education

In Mondulkiri province, among the Bunong people, World Hope is involved in village life in a myriad of ways.  In early childhood education (ages 3-5) they teach a second language (Khmer) to indigenous children, the practice of routine personal hygiene, and encourage young children to enter school. For school age children, those in grades 1 through 12, they provide breakfast, host afterschool programs that include sports, English language, and computer knowledge. These school initiatives are increasing literacy rates, reducing school dropout rates and creating a desire for higher education.

World Hope is also involved in agricultural development. Projects include introduction of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, introducing new markets for new crops and finding sustainable income sources for young farmers.  All of these efforts are helping indigenous farmers gain a reputation throughout the country as producers of quality, safe, and sustainable agricultural products.

Learning about farming techniques
Broccoli farmer in Cambodia
Jahoo Ecotourism

Perhaps the crowning jewel of their many endeavours, at least from a Western standpoint, might be Jahoo Gibbon Camp, where Gibbon apes are protected and studied, tourism is encouraged and a new relationship between the Bunong and the forest is being established in a way that preserves trees and eco systems.

Preschool Children

But the very best part of all of this is that these projects, and others, serve to not only improve the economic situation of a people, but are improving and impacting every aspect of life for the Bunong, from education to marriage to creativity and contentment.

The pillars that World Hope is built on are clean water and energy, global health, and protection and education. As a team, we were given a glimpse into the nuts and bolts of how this is accomplished in Cambodia. Contact World Hope today to chat more about ways you can partner with the work in Cambodia and around the world!

Rev. Peter Hayes

Rev. Peter Hayes

Lead Pastor, Solid Rock Wesleyan Church

Learn more about our programs in Cambodia or consider setting up a church partnership with us. For more information or to speak with someone about church partnerships, contact us today.

Volunteer surrounded by people

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