Birthing Hope
Lifesaving Intervention
One morning just before lunch, Tenneh* and her husband visited a healthcare clinic concerned about bleeding, fever, and abdominal pain. Tenneh was 30 weeks pregnant and tested positive for malaria. Further examination revealed that the baby was in distress, and an immediate C-section was needed to save both mom and baby.
Around 4 pm, the preterm baby boy was delivered weighing 1.875 kg (4.13 lbs) and was taken to the Special Care Baby Unit. With phototherapy, medication, and regular feeding, he began to gain weight. One week later, they were both doing well enough to go home. The CHAMPS team developed a plan to care for their preemie and shared it with his mom and dad. They also scheduled follow up visits for his checkups. What could have been a tragic experience turned into joy. This family left the clinic with hope for their future.

“We are so grateful for the clinicians who have been such a blessing to us and our baby.” Parents of preemie baby boy
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful,
I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14
Effects of CHAMPS
The team’s research and findings are a source of hope for babies and families in Sierra Leone. In 2021, 104.7 out of 1000 children under 5 died in Sierra Leone. Through research and surveillance this number is shrinking. In 2023, the number of deaths in children under 5 had reduced to 100.8 according to UNICEF.
Thanks to the diligent research of the CHAMPS team, Tenneh and her son didn’t become a statistic. Early and appropriate intervention saved both this child and his mother’s lives. There is hope when we work together to give a child an opportunity for life. To partner with us to help more children and their families have hope, Give Today.