A New Story Through Education

by | Apr 19, 2024 | General

Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go. Guard them, for they are the key to life. Proverbs 4:13 NLT 

Globally, as reported by UNESCO in 2022, 244 million children worldwide, down from 258 million in 2018, lack the resources and opportunity to attend school*. This is a number that is shrinking but not quickly enough There is still so much progress to make but even helping one child is Igniting Hope in some of the hardest places around the world. 

Isaiah’s Story 

Isaiah grew up in Liberia with his four siblings. Their parents worked hard to support the family but it was difficult to provide enough for daily needs and to pay for all their children to attend school. WHI’s Child Sponsorship program came alongside the family and helped support Isaiah in his educational journey.  

Isaiah was first sponsored by the program when he was in Grade 3. In his first year he excelled and moved from Grade 3 ahead to Grade 5. He continued his diligent studies and after completing grade 6, Isaiah moved to a larger urban centre, where he lived with his uncle, to continue his education.  

Isaiah was a determined child who purposed to break the circle of poverty experienced by his parents and pursue his educational dreams.

Because he had moved to continue his education Isaiah was no longer eligible for sponsorship.  However, he was awarded a scholarship at the end of his first school year and continued to received them through high school because of his high academic achievement. He then began teaching to support himself as he continued his own education.  

Isaiah went on to complete his post-secondary education, earning a diploma in Computer Science and an Associate Degree in Education Administration Inter-Digital Computer School and LICOSESS Teacher Training Program.  After graduating, Isaiah continued teaching and pursued further education. In 2022, Isaiah graduated from the University of Liberia with a bachelor’s degree in Geology. 

When asked about his educational journey, Isaiah has this to say, “I personally can attribute every success or stage I have reached in my life to the intervention of World Hope because that was during the foundational stage of my life. The timing of the World Hope Program was a turning point for me. I am the first child of my parents who completed both secondary and [post-secondary] education.”

Help a Child Write a New Story

There are children waiting for someone to help ignite hope in their life right now support a child on their educational journey. When you sponsor a child, you give them the opportunity to dream and hope for a better future.

Sponsored children are up to 40% more likely to finish secondary school and up to 80% more likely to graduate college. Whether you choose to sponsor a child for a year or their entire educational journey, you can help reduce the number of children who lack access to education. Give a child a chance at an education today. 

Learn more about World Hope International’s Child Sponsorship program and ignite hope by signing up to become a sponsor today! 

You can also make a gift to The Hope Fund today, which helps us to continue to promote dignity and build opportunity and hope around the world. Gifts to The Hope Fund are unrestricted, which enables us to make a difference where and when it matters. 

** https://uis.unesco.org/en/topic/out-school-children-and-youth 
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