A Hope-Filled Future
“Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.”
There are still many places around the world where education is not equally accessible to all. Too many children lack access to education, but there is hope for the future when we make education a priority.
The Starfish Story*
I often think of the story of the old man walking on the beach where thousands of starfish had washed ashore. As he walked along, he saw a young woman picking up starfish and throwing them back in the sea. He asked her why she was doing that. She looked at him and said, “The sun is coming up and the tide is going out. If I do not throw them in the sea, they will die.” The old man pointed out that there were miles of beach and thousands of starfish. “You cannot possibly make a difference,” he proclaimed. She listened, paused, bent down and picked up another, tossed it in the sea and replied, “It made a difference to that one.”

Child Sponsorship Matters
When we think of the many children who do not have access to education, it is overwhelming. But if we stop to consider what we can do to help even one child access quality education, it makes a difference to that one. Sponsorship provides access to education, school supplies, uniforms, food, and medical care. These are all vital pieces to see children overcome poverty and given the opportunity to dream about their futures. We learn what we live and without access to education, children’s futures are less bright.

Rachel’s Story
Rachel was enrolled in World Hope International’s Child Sponsorship program when she was in Grade 4. Her parents were farmers, fully devoted followers of Jesus, and members of a local Wesleyan Church in Liberia. Sponsorship allowed Rachel to attend school regularly where she excelled at her studies. After 5 years of school, having completed Grade 8, she was no longer able to continue in the program. This was a critical juncture in Rachel’s life. Her parents were struggling with illness, unable to farm, and there wasn’t any extra money for school.
Rachel persisted in finishing school, funding herself by cooking and selling food when she wasn’t studying. Unsatisfied with her education level, she continued studying and graduated after three years of post-secondary studies as a Nurse Aide. To support herself, she sold used clothing. She now works at the clinic where she did her internship and makes enough money to support herself, her child, and her younger brother.
Her dream is to continue her education and become a nurse.
When asked about her educational journey, Rachel said, “I want to thank World Hope for the support they gave me. It was because of the support I received in those five years that made me know the value of education and fight to reach this point. My dream is to become a professional nurse. To achieve that, I need to further my education. I am trusting in God for His favour to get support for my degree studies.”
World Hope’s child sponsorship programs partner with village schools to remove barriers to education that children face. Learn more about how you can be a part of empowering a child through education.
You can also make a gift to The Hope Fund, which helps us to continue to promote dignity and build opportunity and hope around the world. Gifts to The Hope Fund enables us to make a difference where and when it’s needed.