Empowering Educators

by | Oct 5, 2024 | Access to Education, Child Sponsorship, Liberia

Teachers are real difference makers, here in Canada, and across the globe. They do more than just share information; they shape character, build self-esteem, and empower people to be all that they can be. On this World Teacher’s Day, we want to celebrate teachers who have and are making a difference in the lives of children here and around the world.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.

Proverbs 22:6 NIV

Impactful Work

World Hope International recognizes the importance of teachers and the roles they play in their students’ lives. This is why the Child Sponsorship program not only breaks down barriers for children to get an education, but also invests in teachers at partner schools so they are equipped to teach with excellence. 

Many of the teachers at partner schools are dedicated to educating children and youth but haven’t had the opportunity to receive formal teacher training themselves. World Hope International is committed to working with teachers to upgrade their own education to better meet their students’ needs. 

Teachers in Liberia receiving training and education

Education for All 

Joshua is a teacher at one of World Hope International’s partner schools in Liberia. He is a father of 3 children, but also cares for his 7 nieces and nephews whose fathers, his 2 brothers, died. He farms cassava, makes charcoal, and works as a teacher to earn the money needed to care for his family. Now Joshua is taking part in the ongoing Teacher’s Education Program sponsored by World Hope and implemented by the Wesleyan College of Liberia.  It makes for a very busy life. but Joshua is committed to furthering his own education.

Joshua, a teacher in Liberia, sitting at a school desk

Transformative Training

The two-year Teacher’s Education Program will help Joshua, and others, become certified, professional teachers.  This program is just one of the many ways World Hope International is helping to empower teachers in partner schools so both teachers and students reap the benefits of education.

“I believe that at the end of the two years when I study and graduate from the education program, it will add value to my life and make a great difference for me.”

A World Hope International we believe that teachers like Joshua should have the opportunity to unlock their full potential as they work to help students unlock theirs.

Help empower more teachers across the globe by sponsoring a child, or through a gift to The Hope Fund.

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