In-Person Training Event
An In-Person Education and Training Event | ECE Inspire Conference
August 17-19, 2022 | Freeport, Grand Bahama
This annual professional development opportunity is an amazing initiative meant to assist educators on the island. The purpose is to share, encourage and inspire Early Childhood and Primary Teachers as they dedicate their lives to educating the children and youth of Grand Bahama.
Many learning opportunities present themselves over this three-day conference. Workshops, keynote speakers, fun team-centered games, and passionate conversation make up this great initiative. The conference consists of professionals from across Canada sharing their knowledge with fellow educators. Our focus is on private preschool operators and educators well as primary school educators. Presenters in this conference will empower local teachers as they invest in the lives of children and inspire hope.
Thank you to Canadian educators who are interested in participating in this year’s conference. All of our presenter positions are full for 2022.