Continuing to protect at-risk children vulnerable to exploitation

Project Information

Project Status: Active
Start Date: October 2020
End Date: February 2022
Countries: Philippines

Gender Equality Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions


Comprehensively caring for child survivors

World Hope has continued a second implementation of the Protecting At-Risk Children Vulnerable to Exploitation (PAVE) project in response to the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC), paving the way to a brighter future for child survivors. 

The PAVE II project is working to develop and strengthen systems for comprehensive care of survivors of OSEC in the Philippines by empowering local partners in prevention and response, focusing the trainings on therapeutic care for survivors, reintegrating survivors in safe and successful environments, and improving community understanding of the risks of OSEC.  

In a time when the COVID-19 pandemic itself and subsequent quarantines and lockdowns exacerbated the vulnerability of children, the PAVE II project is building upon the foundations of hope and change laid in the PAVE I project. 

Project Goals

To develop and strengthen systems for comprehensive care of survivors of OSEC in the Philippines

Expected Outcomes
  1. To expand availability of psychosocial care practitioners with specialized training to provide counseling and case management to OSEC/CSEC survivors.
  2. To provide specialized training to aftercare service providers and emergency shelters in case management, counseling, reintegration services, and shelter management. 
  3. To support reintegration of 60 OSEC / CSEC survivors through case management with shelter partners, DSWD and LGU’s.  
  4. To improve the understanding of OSEC in the Philippines through research, collaboration, and reporting. 

About OSEC

The Philippines is the global epicenter of the online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) and a source, transit, and destination country for trafficking in persons (TIP).

Facilitated by the confluence of poverty, widespread access to the Internet, a decrease in the price of devices, and a culture of silence and deference to elders OSEC is particularly challenging to identify, treat and prosecute.

OSEC as committed by traffickers is “a crime of opportunity” and too often perpetuated by those with easy access to or authority over children.

Families that are forced to find ways to survive each day because of socio-economic disadvantage will remain vulnerable to possible exploitation. Providing opportunities for families to rise beyond poverty is key to essentially eliminating the root cause of this tragedy.

Download and read the report, “OSEC: A Modern Face of Human Trafficking” to learn more about OSEC and World Hope International’s ongoing response to it.

Brewing Hope

In the Philippines, those who are caring for child survivors of online sex trafficking are experiencing hope and transformation.

Restorying Hope

Read the inspiring story of 3 children survivors of online sexual exploitation and the journey to bring them home to their family.

Standing Against Human Trafficking

Efforts must continue to combat the evil of human trafficking. Every survivor matters. Together, we can turn the tide and see a world free from trafficking.

Slavery is Not Just a Historical Issue

Slavery is evil. Yet as recently as 2021, it is estimated that 50 million people are enslaved worldwide. Read a reflection about a recent trip to Bunce Island.

Helping Trafficking Survivors Heal and Hope Again

Read a real life story from the epicenter of Online Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children (OSAEC) and how the survivors are learning to heal and hope again.

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