Hope After

Protection is at the heart of humanitarian assistance

Hope After Human Trafficking

For 20 years World Hope International has been committed to ending trafficking and gender-based violence.

In 2012, World Hope established the Recovery Centre, the only confidential shelter for survivors of trafficking and gender-based violence in the country of Sierra Leone.

The Recovery Centre currently receives all trafficking referrals from the Government of Sierra Leone which includes child trafficking survivors.

When you become a monthly donor you will be helping survivor access safe housing, counseling & therapy, food, job skills training and community reintegration.

together We can fight against human trafficking in Sierra Leone and help survivors reclaim their futures.

Elizabeth’s future – and the future of other survivors can be transformed.

Elizabeth experienced horrific abuse that no woman should ever experience. She is now in a place of healing and restoration. Elizabeth expressed, “At the Recovery Centre I am provided shelter, food, medical care, clothing, and counseling. The staff even accompanies me to court.” 

Elizabeth is now in a place where she can dream about her future. Her dream: to become an entrepreneur and start her own business – and you can be part of making that possible for Elizabeth and for survivors like her.

Explore the Recovery Centre

Recovery Centre

Creating a safe space for survivors of human trafficking and building the pathways to prevention and justice are necessary for the battle against trafficking in persons.

Give Hope

Explore our Work

“The impact of COVID-19 has increased our referrals at the Recovery Centre. We currently are at capacity, with 25 survivors. Two of them have babies, and four of them are pregnant as a result of abuse they suffered. The survivors are offered holistic care, to heal from their abuse; care that they would not have out in their communities.”

Haley Clark

Director of Anti-Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence


Spending of World Hope International (Canada) funds is confined to Board approved projects. Funds designated towards a project are used as designated, with the understanding that when the need for that project has been met or cannot be completed for reasons determined by the Board, the remaining funds designated will be used where needed most.

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