
Partner with World Hope around the world as, together, we work to alleviate poverty, suffering, and injustice.

Organizations, churches, and schools can partner with us in the countries where we work to holistically address community-identified needs and support community-led solutions

Partnering to make a lasting impact.

Poor infrastructure; lack of access to quality education; and limited sources of food, clean water, or income all perpetuate the cycle of poverty. Holistic development of food security, education, agribusiness and community health and wellbeing can bring lasting improvement to communities, and establishing 3-5 year long partnerships is a way that your community   – whether a church, school, or organization – can have a direct and lasting impacting on others. 

Download Partner for Impact PDF

Download this PDF to see ways you might partner


What country interests you? What resonates with your heart? You can partner with us in a country to create a powerful impact when and where it matters as we work, together, to create lasting transformation and build hope.


Partnerships can be set up for 3-5 years at a time. That timeframe allows you to make a powerful difference in one place and then assess if you want to renew there or perhaps change things up with an entirely different focus. It also gives you a way to measure your impact and your progress.


Work at World Hope doesn’t take place in a void. As a formal partner, you will receive updates throughout the year for the country or focus area you are partnering with us on. We measure our progress towards meeting the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and gather inspiring stories of hope from the communities we work with – and you will get to see those and share them with your church, organization, or school.

What people are saying

So much good can come out of supporting people emotionally, spiritually and physically at a time they are at their most vulnerable. And it’s all for God’s glory!” 

Kris Dekker

Missions Director, Daybreak Community Church

I have been involved in and plan to continue developing a long term partnership with World Hope International!

Dave Rowe

Missions Pastor, Crosspoint Church

Volunteer surrounded by people

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