EVENT | FREE Virtual Event

We Are The Village

Tues, August 11, 7 pm ET 


What does it take to ensure that a child can grow up safely, securely, and with access to education and hope for the opportunities in the future? At World Hope, we believe it takes their family, teachers, leaders, and other community members – and you.

World Hope’s Child Sponsorship program is set up to remove barriers to education for children. Funding from child sponsorships covers costs such as tuition, uniforms, and books but are also often used in other ways to ensure children can access education.

Child sponsorship is for anyone who believes that children should be able to access education, have opportunities for the future, and live with dignity and hope – because that’s what we are investing in.

Join us for a live, moderated event to learn about the program from our Director of Child Sponsorship, Katie Kirkpatrick, hear sponsor Kathy Whitfield share her own experience with the program, and be inspired by World Hope’s founder, Dr. Jo Anne Lyon!  

Are you ready to join the village and help us cover:

  • 50 sponsorships in Liberia
  • 30 sponsorships in Sierra Leone
  • 30 sponsorships in Haiti
  • 25 special needs sponsorships
  • 15 sponsorships in the Philippines


Katie Kirkpatrick

Katie Kirkpatrick

Director of Child Sponsorship and Village Partnership

Dr. Jo Anne Lyon

Dr. Jo Anne Lyon

Founder of World Hope International

Kathy Whitfield

Kathy Whitfield

Child Sponsor


Tanya Renea Nace

Tanya Renea Nace

Executive Director of World Hope Canada

Volunteer surrounded by people

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